Sunday, August 17, 2008

Beijing Diary Number 9

Just back in from marathon. What a happy enjoyable experience it was for Pauline Curley. Firstly the weather is about 20 degrees so no problem there and she exploded into the stadium with such energy, waved her way through the lap to the 70,000 Chinese in there from early morning, hands raised at the end and kissed the ground A very emotional meeting with herself and the team management when she came out to meet us, interviews complete. Have to say relieved because different conditions could have spoiled the experience and these days and this morning will live with her forever.`(Pictured: Pauline Curley)

Last night sure there never ever was anything like it in history before. Usain Bolt breaks the record, taking it easy in the final stages devastates the field a pure natural. And he is over to his agent and manager, Finn Valley man Richard Simms, pulls him out of his seat and celebrates also with Grainne O Dea, Raphoe, who of course works for Richard. And there is Marian and physio Jess. What a thrill and boost for the Milford man and no doubt Enda Doherty who has been involved in London with this team prior to departure to Jamaican training camp. He will have been jumping with delight in Lurgybrack. A massive boost for Richard who began his athletics at Royal and Prior per the influence of Michael McGranaghan, a teacher in that school at that time and as they say the Milford man ran with the opportunity from that point on. Nothing fazed him.
We are all so proud of him, of Marian and Grainne and their involvement at this level with the biggest global sports star on the planet at this stage and now for the 200m, the title, and possibly Michael Johnson's world record. (Pictured: Ricky & Usain (lighting) Bolt, Olympic Champion & World record holder (9.69))

Will grab an hours sleep and head to stadium once again for our evening session. Roisin McGettigan whose entire family connection are from Kilmacrenan lines up in Steeple final , hopefully a new Irish record. Finally, Mark Connolly texted in the middle of the night to relay the news from Croke Park re:Tyrone. A happy Aghyaran Man.

Patsy mc Gonagle
Senior/Olympic team manager
Athletics Ireland

(PLEASE reference if you decide to use content from my diary. Thanks for your continued support)

1 comment:

Eamonn said...

Hi Pasty
Just back from two weeks of sunshine in marbella been following the blog and its great keep up the great work oh and that photo from Edinburgh brought back many a momory from the old beechmount days a lot of old faces i competed against and was Neil martin ever really that young looking talk soon Eamonn